home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 130 Axis
- 131 Allied
- 132 Neutral
- 133 Attacker
- 134 Defender
- 135 No
- 136 Yes
- 137 Friendly
- 138 Enemy
- 190 CD-ROM Required
- 200 Play by E-Mail
- 201 You will now be asked to save a play-by-email file which will be
- 202 saved in the "PBEM" directory. Then you should switch to your
- 203 desktop by pressing the ESC key (or ALT-TAB) and email the file.
- 204 desktop by pressing the ESC key, and email the file.
- 205 Click the mouse to continue.
- 210 Show All Paths/Targets OFF
- 211 Show All Movement Paths
- 212 Show All Target Lines
- 213 Show All Paths/Targets
- 220 Sound =
- 221 Off
- 222 On
- 223 On + Ambient
- 230 Camera Dip =
- 233 Gamma (Brightness) =
- 234 Lowest
- 235 Low
- 236 Medium
- 237 High
- 238 Highest
- 240 Weather/Fog Graphics =
- 241 None
- 242 Partial
- 243 Full
- 250 Horizon =
- 251 Unlimited
- 260 Zoom = x
- 265 Smoke Graphics =
- 266 None
- 267 Fast and Compatible
- 268 High Quality
- 270 Scale =
- 271 Realistic
- 272 Enlarge +
- 280 Tree Display =
- 281 Sparse
- 282 Moderate
- 283 Coverage
- 290 Show Bases
- 291 Show Landmarks
- 292 Show Vehicles
- 293 Show Victory Flags
- 294 Hide Roofs
- 295 Show Third Squad Member
- 296 Show Exit Zone
- 297 Camera Shake
- 298 Detailed Armor Hit Text
- 299 Warning Labels
- 300 Occupied Building Transparency
- 301 Show Frame Rate
- 310 OK
- 311 YES
- 312 NO
- 320 Save current scenario?
- 321 Are you sure you want to quit?
- 322 Are you sure you want to surrender?
- 323 (Secretly) Prepare for a cease fire?
- 324 Attempt to skip night combat?
- 325 Reinforcements have arrived.
- 326 You have spent too many points (marked in red).
- 327 You need to spend points to purchase units.
- 328 Immediately quit this scenario?
- 329 Play Balance:
- 330 force has
- 331 % extra troops
- 332 You must update to a new version to use this file.
- 333 File exists. Overwrite?
- 334 Apple SoundSprocket needed for 3-D sound. Download from:
- 335 <http://asu.info.apple.com>. Search for "sprockets".
- 336 Please visit www.battlefront.com for more information.
- 337 File is meant for a different edition of Combat Mission.
- 340 Choose Side and Game Options
- 341 Play Balance
- 342 Allied +150%
- 343 Allied +100%
- 344 Allied +75%
- 345 Allied +50%
- 346 Allied +25%
- 347 Normal
- 348 Axis +25%
- 349 Axis +50%
- 350 Axis +75%
- 351 Axis +100%
- 352 Axis +150%
- 360 Choose Number of Players and Connection Type
- 361 Choose Connection Type
- 362 1 Player
- 363 Hotseat
- 364 Email
- 365 TCP/IP
- 370 Player) Enter
- 371 Password
- 372 a New Password
- 380 Fog of War
- 381 Computer Player Setup
- 382 Free to Place Units
- 383 Stick to Scenario Default
- 390 Autosave
- 391 Quick Battle
- 400 Fighter-Bomber
- 410 Computer Player Thinking...
- 420 casualty
- 421 captured
- 422 mortar destroyed
- 423 gun destroyed
- 424 pillbox knocked out
- 425 vehicle knocked out
- 426 airplane shot down
- 430 casualties
- 431 captured
- 432 mortars destroyed
- 433 guns destroyed
- 434 pillboxes knocked out
- 435 vehicles knocked out
- 436 airplanes shot down
- 440 Axis Total Victory
- 441 Axis Major Victory
- 442 Axis Tactical Victory
- 443 Axis Minor Victory
- 444 Draw
- 445 Allied Minor Victory
- 446 Allied Tactical Victory
- 447 Allied Major Victory
- 448 Allied Total Victory
- 450 KIA)
- 451 Men OK:
- 452 Score:
- 453 Allied surrender,
- 454 Axis surrender,
- 456 1 battle
- 457 battles
- 458 complete out of
- 459 Night is falling
- 460 One more battle before nightfall
- 461 battles before nightfall
- 470 Untitled
- 472 Map Edges Friendly To
- 473 Scenario Name:
- 474 Type: Operation
- 475 Type: Battle
- 480 Scheduled Reinforcement
- 481 Battalion Reserve
- 482 Regimental Reserve
- 483 Divisional Reserve
- 484 First Possible Arrival:
- 485 (Battle Number)
- 486 (Turn Number)
- 487 Chance per Battle:
- 488 Chance per Turn:
- 490 Type
- 491 Combined Arms
- 492 Infantry
- 493 Mechanized
- 494 Armor
- 500 Force
- 501 No Restriction
- 502 Wehrmacht
- 503 Waffen SS
- 504 FallschirmjΣger
- 505 GebirgsjΣger
- 506 Volkssturm
- 510 No Restriction
- 511 American
- 512 American Airborne
- 513 British
- 514 British Airborne
- 515 Canadian
- 516 Polish
- 517 Polish Airborne
- 518 French
- 520 Quality
- 521 High
- 522 Medium
- 523 Low
- 530 Purchase Units
- 531 Automatically
- 532 Allow Human
- 540 Assault
- 541 Attack
- 542 Probe
- 543 Meeting Engagement
- 550 Force Size
- 551 points
- 560 Map Size
- 561 Small
- 562 Medium
- 563 Large
- 570 Attacker
- 571 Axis Attacker
- 572 Allied Attacker
- 573 Meeting Engagement
- 580 Handicap
- 581 Attacker -50%
- 582 Attacker -30%
- 583 Attacker -10%
- 584 None
- 585 Attacker +10%
- 586 Attacker +25%
- 587 Attacker +50%
- 588 Attacker +75%
- 589 Attacker +100%
- 600 Date
- 601 June 1944
- 602 July 1944
- 603 August 1944
- 604 September 1944
- 605 October 1944
- 606 November 1944
- 607 December 1944
- 608 January 1945
- 609 February 1945
- 610 March 1945
- 611 April 1945
- 612 May 1945
- 620 Time
- 621 Day
- 622 Dawn/Dusk
- 623 Night
- 630 Weather
- 631 Clear
- 632 Overcast
- 633 Rain
- 634 Fog
- 635 Thick Fog
- 636 Snow
- 640 Game Length
- 641 turns
- 642 Each Battle Lasts
- 650 You may now load in three text files which you have written. These will be
- 651 incorporated into the scenario as three scenario briefings. The first is
- 652 meant for both players, the second for the Axis player only, and the
- 653 last for the Allied player only. You may click CANCEL for any or all of
- 654 them, which will cause no file to be used in that briefing.
- 655 Click OK, and you will be given the chance to choose three files.
- 660 Battle Parameters
- 661 Operation Parameters
- 662 Operation Type
- 670 Ground Condition
- 671 Very Dry
- 672 Dry
- 673 Damp
- 674 Wet
- 675 Mud
- 676 Deep Mud
- 677 Light Snow
- 678 Snow
- 679 Deep Snow
- 689 No Exit
- 690 West
- 691 North
- 692 East
- 693 South
- 694 Attacker Comes From
- 700 Map Edge for Exit Points
- 701 Flag Type
- 702 Static
- 703 Dynamic
- 704 Flags (small 100 pt)
- 705 Flags (large 300 pt)
- 706 Number of Flags
- 707 Flag Value
- 710 Objective is Chosen
- 711 Automatically
- 712 By Attacker
- 720 Axis Bonus
- 721 points
- 730 Map Contours
- 731 Normal (2.5m)
- 732 Steep (5m)
- 740 Defending Vehicles
- 741 May Dig In
- 742 May Not Dig In
- 750 Fanaticism
- 751 Normal
- 752 Regular or better 25%
- 753 Regular or better 50%
- 754 All Troops 25%
- 755 All Troops 50%
- 760 Advance
- 761 Assault
- 762 Destroy
- 770 Expected Progress
- 771 30%
- 772 40%
- 773 50%
- 774 60%
- 775 70%
- 776 80%
- 780 Max Atk:Def Casualty Ratio
- 781 40%
- 782 50%
- 783 60%
- 784 70%
- 785 80%
- 786 90%
- 787 100%
- 788 125%
- 789 150%
- 790 200%
- 791 300%
- 792 400%
- 793 500%
- 794 600%
- 800 Weather Pattern
- 801 Good
- 802 Mixed
- 803 Bad
- 810 Operation Length
- 811 battles
- 812 units
- 820 Night Falls
- 821 No Night
- 822 Every Other Battle
- 823 Every 3rd Battle
- 824 Every 4th Battle
- 825 Every 5th Battle
- 826 Every 6th Battle
- 827 Every 7th Battle
- 828 Every 8th Battle
- 829 Every 9th Battle
- 830 Every 10th Battle
- 840 Battle Window Size
- 850 Opening Battle Time Slot
- 851 1st (Dawn)
- 852 2nd
- 853 3rd
- 854 4th
- 855 5th
- 856 6th
- 857 7th
- 858 8th
- 859 9th
- 860 10th
- 865 Size of No Man's Land
- 870 May Initiate Night Combat
- 871 Supply
- 872 Ample
- 873 Full
- 874 Adequate
- 875 Limited
- 876 Scarce
- 877 Severe
- 880 Vehicle Recovery & Repair
- 881 Excellent
- 882 Good
- 883 Average
- 884 Poor
- 885 None
- 890 Width:
- 891 Height:
- 892 TOTAL
- 893 Spent
- 894 Allowed
- 900 Conscript
- 901 Green
- 902 Regular
- 903 Veteran
- 904 Crack
- 905 Elite
- 910 On Map
- 911 Reinforce 1
- 912 Reinforce 2
- 913 Reinforce 3
- 914 Reinforce 4
- 915 Reinforce 5
- 920 Infantry
- 921 Support
- 922 Vehicle
- 923 Armor
- 924 Artillery
- 925 Fortification
- 931 CHOSEN
- 932 Ammunition (max
- 940 Small Arms
- 941 High Explosive
- 942 Armor Piercing
- 943 Tungsten
- 944 Hollow Charge
- 945 Smoke
- 950 Exit Points
- 951 Eligible
- 952 Not Eligible
- 960 Suppression
- 961 Normal (None)
- 962 Cautious
- 963 Shaken
- 964 Pinned
- 965 Panicked
- 970 Fatigue
- 971 Normal (Rested)
- 972 Tired
- 973 Weary
- 974 Exhausted
- 980 Nr. Demo Charges
- 981 Nr. Panzerfausts
- 982 Panzerfaust Type
- 983 Panzerfaust 30
- 984 Panzerfaust 60
- 985 Panzerfaust 100
- 986 Nr. Rifle Grenades
- 990 Leadership
- 991 Command
- 992 Combat
- 993 Morale
- 994 Stealth
- 1000 Standard Name
- 1001 Special Name
- 1002 Experience
- 1010 Map Type
- 1011 Town
- 1012 Village
- 1013 Farmland
- 1014 Rural
- 1020 Tree Coverage
- 1021 Open
- 1022 Light
- 1023 Moderate
- 1024 Heavy
- 1030 Hilliness
- 1031 Flat
- 1032 Gentle Slopes
- 1033 Small Hills
- 1034 Modest Hills
- 1035 Large Hills
- 1040 Elevation tool is set to:
- 1041 + and - keys set elevation tool
- 1042 Alt + or - nudges whole map
- 1043 Cmd + or - nudges whole map
- 1044 Zone Mode
- 1045 Loading Preview...
- 1050 Con
- 1051 Grn
- 1052 Reg
- 1053 Vet
- 1054 Crk
- 1055 Eli
- 1060 Mortar:
- 1061 Main Gun:
- 1062 mm
- 1063 & Flamethrower
- 1064 Weapon:
- 1065 Flamethrower
- 1066 Transport Class:
- 1067 (full squad)
- 1068 Machineguns:
- 1069 Armor:
- 1070 -
- 1071 unarmored
- 1072 Maximum Speed:
- 1073 mph
- 1074 Men:
- 1075 Sniper Rifle
- 1076 Artillery:
- 1077 Rocket Lnchr:
- 1078 Gun:
- 1079 Weapons:
- 1080 ,
- 1081 Ammunition:
- 1082 Speed:
- 1083 Transport:
- 1084 x
- 1085 ...and more
- 1086 Type:
- 1087 (no embark during battle)
- 1100 Fast
- 1101 Medium
- 1102 Slow
- 1103 Limited
- 1110 Artillery Spotter
- 1111 Arty Spotter
- 1112 Team
- 1113 Squad
- 1114 Sqd
- 1115 Infantry Squad?
- 1116 Machine Gun?
- 1117 Crew?
- 1118 Antitank Team?
- 1119 Flamethrower?
- 1120 Gun?
- 1121 Light Gun?
- 1122 Mortar?
- 1123 Infantry?
- 1124 Infantry sounds?
- 1130 Eliminated
- 1131 Abandoned
- 1132 Routed
- 1133 Broken
- 1134 Panic
- 1135 Pinned
- 1136 Shaken
- 1140 Jam
- 1141 Out of Ammo
- 1142 Low Ammo
- 1143 empty
- 1144 JAM
- 1145 LOW
- 1146 Unlimber:
- 1150 January
- 1151 February
- 1152 March
- 1153 April
- 1154 May
- 1155 June
- 1156 July
- 1157 August
- 1158 September
- 1159 October
- 1160 November
- 1161 December
- 1170 Time:
- 1171 sec
- 1172 min
- 1173 (FIRING)
- 1180 h
- 1181 a
- 1182 c
- 1183 t
- 1184 s
- 1185 F
- 1190 Click This Window to Remove
- 1200 shift-C Unit (visual) scale
- 1201 shift-I Smoke Graphics
- 1202 shift-O Occupied Buildings Transparent
- 1203 shift-T Tree coverage
- 1204 shift-H Horizon range
- 1205 shift-P Show all moves/targets
- 1206 shift-V Show vehicles
- 1207 shift-F Objective flags
- 1208 shift-A Viewpoint up
- 1209 shift-Z Viewpoint down
- 1210 shift-S Sound
- 1211 shift-R Show building roofs
- 1212 shift-E Show exit zone (if any)
- 1213 shift-B Unit bases
- 1214 shift-M Show 3 men per squad
- 1215 shift-K Camera shake
- 1216 shift-W Weather/Fog
- 1217 shift-G Labels
- 1218 shift-D Detailed Armor Hits
- 1219 shift-L Landmarks
- 1250 ARROWS Move viewpoint
- 1251 1-8 Set viewpoint height
- 1252 < > Rotate viewpoint
- 1253 / Rotate view 180 degrees
- 1254 [ ] Zoom out/in
- 1255 TAB Lock view on unit
- 1256 ENTER Show unit details
- 1257 SPACE Orders menu / Cancel order
- 1258 BACKSPACE Erase last waypoint
- 1259 + Go to next friendly unit
- 1260 - Go to previous friendly unit
- 1261 \ Switch sides (Editor only)
- 1262 ESCAPE Switch to Desktop
- 1264 alt-B Scenario Briefing
- 1265 alt-S Save Game
- 1266 alt-C Cease Fire Request
- 1267 alt-U Surrender
- 1268 alt-A Abort Scenario
- 1269 alt-Q Quit Combat Mission
- 1270 alt-G Adjust Brightness (Gamma)
- 1300 PREVIEW
- 1303 TIP: Right-click on unit to bring up unit command menu
- 1304 TIP: Click-and-hold on unit to bring up unit command menu
- 1305 Hold CONTROL and click on the map to jump to that spot
- 1306 Embark
- 1307 Click near base of Flag
- 1308 Rotate
- 1310 Rotate To
- 1311 Reverse
- 1312 Move
- 1313 Hunt
- 1314 Sneak
- 1315 Run
- 1316 Crawl
- 1317 Fast
- 1318 (withdraw)
- 1319 / Disembark
- 1320 & Hide
- 1330 Area Target
- 1340 Kill:
- 1341 Excellent
- 1342 Good
- 1343 OK
- 1344 Low
- 1345 Rare
- 1346 None
- 1350 unidentified vehicle
- 1351 destroyed
- 1352 Kill information unavailable...
- 1353 No kills...
- 1354 infantry casualty caused
- 1355 infantry casualties caused
- 1356 infantry captured
- 1357 gun destroyed
- 1358 guns destroyed
- 1359 mortar destroyed
- 1360 mortars destroyed
- 1361 aircraft shot down
- 1362 No Further Data...
- 1363 (
- 1364 m/s)
- 1365 Weight:
- 1366 tons (
- 1367 metric)
- 1368 Engine:
- 1369 horsepower
- 1370 hp/ton)
- 1371 Ground Pressure:
- 1372 psi (
- 1373 kg/sqcm)
- 1374 Silhouette:
- 1375 Transport Class:
- 1376 Passenger Capacity:
- 1377 none
- 1378 team
- 1379 squad
- 1380 (armor protected)
- 1381 (mm/slope)
- 1382 Armor
- 1383 % quality)
- 1384 Front Side Rear
- 1385 Superstr
- 1386 Turret
- 1387 Upper Hull
- 1388 Lower Hull
- 1389 Open Top
- 1390 Top
- 1391 deck
- 1392 turret
- 1393 &
- 1394 (open turret)
- 1395 (partly open)
- 1396 (has skirts)
- 1397 Alternate Rear-Facing Driver
- 1398 MG:
- 1399 bow
- 1400 (
- 1401 coaxial
- 1402 forward
- 1403 .50
- 1404 remote
- 1405 .30 & .50cal
- 1406 .50cal
- 1407 forward
- 1408 flexible
- 1409 FLAME: range
- 1410 Speed Class:
- 1411 Immobile
- 1412 Very Slow
- 1413 +
- 1414 Panzerfaust-
- 1415 demo
- 1416 Weapon Range: 40m 100m 250m 500m 1000m
- 1418 Main Weapon:
- 1420 m/sec
- 1421 mortar
- 1422 off-map artillery
- 1423 rear-facing
- 1424 blast =
- 1425 Maximum Range:
- 1426 (minimum
- 1427 Minimum Range:
- 1428 Armor Penetration (can vary)
- 1429 Angle Range: 100m 500m 1000m 2000m
- 1430 Passengers:
- 1431 Riding on:
- 1432 deg
- 1433 HE (h)
- 1434 AP (a)
- 1435 TUNG (t)
- 1436 HOLLW (c)
- 1437 Rifle Grenade
- 1438 Gyrostabilizer
- 1439 Gammon Bomb
- 1440 Smoke Discharger
- 1441 Smoke Mortar
- 1442 Nahverteidigungswaffe
- 1450 Immobilized
- 1451 Bogged
- 1452 Gun Destroyed
- 1453 Gun
- 1454 MG
- 1455 Wheel
- 1456 Track
- 1457 hit
- 1458 Damaged
- 1459 No serious damage
- 1460 Front
- 1461 Side
- 1462 Rear
- 1463 superstructure
- 1464 upper hull
- 1465 lower hull
- 1466 top
- 1467 penetration
- 1468 at weak point
- 1469 Knocked out
- 1470 Immobilized, gun damaged
- 1471 Immobilized, MG damaged
- 1472 Gun damaged
- 1473 MG damaged
- 1474 Shell broke up
- 1475 Ricochet
- 1476 internal armor flaking
- 1477 - crew hit
- 1478 Rear door
- 1479 Firing slit
- 1480 diesel
- 1481 very slow
- 1482 slow
- 1483 medium
- 1484 fast
- 1485 very fast
- 1486 slow ROF
- 1487 Burns Easily
- 1488 Shot Trap
- 1520 Click to play a game
- 1521 Click to load a play-by-email file or join an internet game
- 1523 Click to create or edit your own scenario (not available in DEMO)
- 1524 Click to exit Combat Mission DEMO
- 1525 Click to go back to the Main Screen
- 1526 Click to play the highlighted scenario
- 1527 Click to load your opponent's play-by-email file
- 1528 Click to join a networked game hosted by your opponent (not available in DEMO)
- 1531 Make your own battle! (not available in DEMO)
- 1532 Brief Description
- 1533 Scanning Disk For Scenarios...
- 1534 Saved Game
- 1535 Operation scenarios are not available in the DEMO
- 1540 Combat Mission BO Demo Prefs
- 1541 Scenarios
- 1542 Saved Games
- 1543 PBEM
- 1550 Loading 3-D Graphics...
- 1560 Tiny
- 1561 Small
- 1562 Medium
- 1563 Large
- 1564 Huge
- 1570 Should Exit
- 1571 For Points
- 1581 Sight Blocked
- 1582 SMOKE
- 1583 Hull Down
- 1584 Hit:
- 1585 in
- 1586 Firepower:
- 1587 Exposure:
- 1589 Adjust Fire
- 1590 Area Fire
- 1600 (Enter a blank name to delete landmark)
- 1610 Battle #
- 1611 of
- 1621 IMPORTANT: The Tournament Save format prohibits future opening of the file in
- 1622 the Combat Mission editor. This prohibits tournament players from examining
- 1623 the contents of the scenario before competitive play, but it prevents YOU from
- 1624 editing the file as well. We strongly advise that you save a second copy of
- 1625 this file USING THE NORMAL SAVE FUNCTION before quitting the editor.
- 1630 First Player is
- 1640 SHIFT enlarges paintbrush. CTRL-click sets landmark.
- 1650 BriefingOverall.txt
- 1651 BriefingAxis.txt
- 1652 BriefingAllied.txt
- 5000 open ground
- 5001 marsh
- 5002 scattered trees
- 5003 woods
- 5004 tall pines
- 5005 grain
- 5006 brush
- 5007 rough
- 5008 water
- 5009 ford
- 5010 light building
- 5011 heavy building
- 5012 tall light building
- 5013 tall heavy building
- 5014 church
- 5015 wood bridge
- 5016 stone bridge
- 5017 tall stone bridge
- 5018 tall land bridge w/road
- 5019 tall land bridge
- 5020 rubble
- 5021 burning building
- 5022 burning tall wood building
- 5023 burning tall stone bldg
- 5024 burning scattered trees
- 5025 burning woods
- 5026 burning tall pines
- 5027 burning grain
- 5028 stone wall
- 5029 hedge
- 5030 bocage
- 5031 railroad track
- 5032 dirt road
- 5033 dirt road in scttrd trees
- 5034 dirt road in woods
- 5035 dirt road in tall pines
- 5036 dirt & paved join
- 5037 dirt & paved in scrd trees
- 5038 dirt & paved in woods
- 5039 dirt & paved in tall pines
- 5040 paved road
- 5041 paved road in scttrd trees
- 5042 paved road in woods
- 5043 paved road in tall pines
- 5044 pavement
- 5100 Am
- 5101 AA
- 5102 Am
- 5103 Br
- 5104 BA
- 5105 Br
- 5106 Wm
- 5107 FJ
- 5108 SS
- 5109 Wm
- 5110 Vo
- 5111 Gb
- 5112 Ca
- 5113 Ca
- 5114 Po
- 5115 PA
- 5116 Po
- 5117 Fr
- 5118 Fr
- 5200 Heavy Tank
- 5201 Medium Tank
- 5202 Light Tank
- 5203 Infantry Tank
- 5204 Close Support Tank
- 5205 Assault Tank
- 5206 Tank Destroyer
- 5207 Tank Hunter
- 5208 Assault Gun
- 5209 Self-Propelled Artillery
- 5210 Flamethrower Tank
- 5211 Flamethrower Vehicle
- 5212 Halftrack
- 5213 Assault Halftrack
- 5214 Armored Car
- 5215 Mortar Carrier
- 5216 Scout Car
- 5217 Armored Personnel Carrier
- 5218 Carrier
- 5219 Recon Vehicle
- 5220 Antiaircraft Vehicle
- 5221 Transport
- 5222 Boat
- 5223 Pillbox
- 5300 Roadblock
- 5301 Barbed Wire
- 5302 Target Reference Point
- 5303 Ambush Marker
- 5304 Antipersonnel Mines
- 5305 Antitank Mines
- 5306 Daisy-Chain Antitank Mines
- 5308 Large Victory Flag Marker
- 5309 Small Victory Flag Marker
- 5310 Reinforcement Marker
- 5400 Roadblock
- 5401 Wire
- 5402 Target Ref Pt
- 5403 Ambush Marker
- 5404 APRSN Mines
- 5405 AT Mines
- 5406 AT Mine Chain
- 5408 Large Flag
- 5409 Small Flag
- 5410 Reinf. Marker
- 5500 open ground
- 5504 roadblock
- 5510 track
- 5511 pavement
- 5512 marsh
- 5513 scattered trees
- 5514 woods
- 5515 tall pines
- 5516 wheat field
- 5517 brush
- 5518 rough
- 5519 rubble
- 5520 slope
- 5521 trees on slope
- 5522 wooded slope
- 5523 tall pines slope
- 5524 cliff
- 5525 water
- 5526 ford
- 5527 ice
- 5528 bocage
- 5529 wall
- 5530 hedge
- 5531 light building
- 5532 heavy building
- 5600 barbed wire
- 5601 foxhole
- 5602 crater
- 5603 road
- 5604 bridge
- 5605 wrecked bridge
- 5606 top floor
- 5700 Panzer IV?
- 5701 Panther?
- 5702 Tiger?
- 5703 Assault Gun?
- 5704 SP Gun?
- 5705 Light tank?
- 5706 Halftrack?
- 5707 Armored Car?
- 5708 AA Vehicle?
- 5709 Truck?
- 5710 Jeep?
- 5711 M4 Sherman?
- 5712 M26 Pershing?
- 5713 Tank Destroyer?
- 5715 M5 Stuart?
- 5716 M24 Chaffee?
- 5722 Assault Boat?
- 5724 Sherman?
- 5725 Firefly?
- 5726 Cromwell?
- 5727 Comet?
- 5728 Churchill?
- 5731 APC?
- 5735 Carrier?
- 5800 Truck?
- 5801 Light armor?
- 5802 Tank?
- 5803 Pillbox?
- 9998 Version 1.0
- 9999 100